
Showing posts from November, 2019

(Parentheses By:Parentheses #3)

( OK hai Parentheses ers !) Off my computer! (bb-bu) No buts! NOW! (ugh fine ) * 10 mins later* ( Oh guys Delali has to go to the apple store to get her computer fixed soo we can talk) Oh hi Parentheses I forgot my com- * sees Parentheses on computer* Well Well Well... (uh oh ) *Parentheses tries to run* Not so fast! YOUR GROUNDED !y TO YOUR ROOM! (bbbb-bbbbbut) NOW I SAID. Ok  Daily's that's the end! I should put a passcode on my computer! Well bye! (Can i say bye to the Parentheses ers) THEY ARE NOT THE PARENTHESES ERS OK AND NO! DON'T TALK TO ME UNTIL TOM. (ok !) I SAID NO TALKING! (ok..) I AM REALLLY ANGRY NOW I AM COMING TO YOUR ROOM! (uh oh..................)

Q&A ( so boring don't watch)

Hello Daily's it's me Delali and (PARENTHESESSSSSSS). So Today were gonna be doing a Q&A. So you can know more about me and Parentheses! Well Parentheses basically did a Q&A. On Parentheses by: Parentheses #1. Don't read that! (HUH) ( WHat yOu say!) Ok whatever on to the Q&A! So my fav color is.... Idk tbh. I change it like everyday. What is my fav hobby? Hmm.. I don't really have a hobby (zzzzzzzzz) Ok we gotta whisper since Parentheses is asleep. Next question. Is Parentheses annoying? YES PARENTHESES IS SO ANNOYINg! oops i yelled ...! ( WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY ?) bye daily's ! aahhhhh don't kill me parentheses

(Parentheses By: Parentheses #2)

( Hello Parentheses ers ) * Delali walks in Parentheses room* Parentheses Why you on my computer ?! Huh! ( I can explain...) Well you better ( Well bye *runs away*) * Two hours later* (* Eats skittles* So hi Parentheses ers) OFF MY COMPUTER NOW PARENTHESES ITS LUNCH EAT YO FOOD! BYE Daily's (nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo)

(Parentheses) (By: Parentheses)

(Hello viewers) Parentheses why are you up at 3:11 AM! (Go to sleep Delali!) Ya I am tired Night! Night (NIGHT GO TO BED) Ok geezz (Okay Delali's asleep) (Lemme Talk to you guys) ( So my name is Parentheses) ( I am color blind so I don't have a fav color) ( This Blog should be named Parentheses is better than Delali) ( But it's not because its Delali named it) PARENTHESES! (uh oh) PARENTHESES WHAT HAVE BEEN TELLING THE DAILY'S !? ( Nothing I- I was j-just telling t-them I-I mean p-practicing..) PRACTICING WHAT?! ( U-Uh forrrr m-my B-blog.) OH REALLY YOU STUTTER WHEN YOU LIE ( N-no I-I d-don't) YES YOU DO! (Fine I wanted to take over your blog hehheehe) GO TO YOUR BED (b-) NOW (ok geez)