
100 Word Challenge- Delali-Kids can drive..Right?(The Terrific Tracey #6)

Tracey was walking on a boat alone. (For the first time) “What should I do?” Tracey said to herself. She saw a car on the boat. Tracey was only 12… She also saw a raft. She drove the car on the raft and to shore she went. She saw the police...She started to drive! She drove into a green and yellow house. She drove on the red carpet inside the green and yellow house. She stole a wig from the house. She drove up the stairs and kinda went into the roof. She put on the wig… The END (Not including this or the tittle) Word Count: 100


(THE RAP Rap By:Parentheses)    (A rap) (a bat) (a bottle cap) (a big fat hat) (on the chair I sat on) (and that is the end of this rap) Copy Right 2020

BACK! ( with the weirdooo)

*site on computer* *looks through blogs* Delali: Oh My when was the last time I posted?! Besides my 100 word challenge? Parenthesis:(In forever dumbo) Delali: Don't call me that! Delali: Daily's!  Parenthesis: (You don't post Daily br0 🙄) Delali: So as you can see Parenthesis wants to be a rapper! Delali: Well that's it for today Daily's Delali: Also just to let you guys know National Pig Day was March 1st. BYE

100 WC -Delali- A ship (The Terrific Tracey Pt.5)

Tracey was walking alone on the street (again..) She was trying to make a trap for It and the Furry. She started shouting “Come here little It-ty.” Tracey said running around like a maniac. She saw a red afro run into a bush. “OH RANCH CREAM!” said Tracey. Tracey was near a dock and ran onto the boat. The boat started moving. Was that good or was that bad? It jumped on the outside of the boat. “Hold on” said The Furry jumping out of a tree.“ “I’m trying to hold on!” he said. I pushed It’s clown fingers off the boat. Goodbye It! Goodbye land…. Word Count(Not including the word count and tittle): 106

100 WC -Delali- The Race-y With Tracey (The Terrific Tracey Pt.4)

The Race-y With Tracey. (The Terrific Tracey Pt.4) … but it is SO slow I … Tracey was walking down the streets alone (again…) This time she was going to a race. When she arrived she started stretching. Then they called her name on the loudspeaker! “Tracey time to race.” She went up to the race line ready to race ! Then she saw him..(again) It the Clown. The loudspeaker said “On your mark get set..GO!” Tracey wasn’t ready..She started to get nervous. “B- But I-I.” Then she saw It run so slow. A smile escaped her face. “Ha I’m going to win!” That didn’t make It happy…... -By Delali (Dee-La-Lee)

-100 Word Challenge Delali-The Yellow Bike(The Terrific Tracey)-

The Yellow Bike...( The Terrific Tracey Pt.3) Tracey was walking down the streets alone..(again.) She saw a forest. That wasn’t the only thing Tracey saw. She saw a bright yellow bike. It didn’t even have a brand logo. That wasn’t the only weird thing about the yellow bike! The yellow bike was tied onto a tree. Hhmm Tracey thought she had been walking for an hour and it would take a long time to walk back home. She thought it would  be fun and get onto the bike while its tied to the tree. She did that. Then she heard some laughter. She saw It the Clown and a Furry high fiving each other. After that she saw blood ad blanked out. When she woke up, she only saw her mother no father anywhere.

100 Word-Delali-The Furry

The Furry. Tracey was skipping down the streets alone.(again) She was a little bit paranoid, because of what happened the last time Tracey was skipping down the streets alone...She saw the shops and shivered. Skipped to the Ice Cream Shop. Took out her wallet. Then she heard L-O-U-D Music. She turned around. She saw the most W-E-I-R-D-E-S-T thing ever. She saw a furry dancing slowly. Then he got a hammer and broke a yellow car window. The Furry climbed in the vehicle and drove in circles. “Faster Faster Faster” said the Furry. He saw Tracey ran up to her and said “WHAT U LOOKIN AT?!” Tracey didn’t know what to say and froze. That didn’t make the Furry happy…. By:Delali (Dee-La-Lee